Featured Signature Services
Floating Acupuncture
Floating assists the nervous system and encourages a calming effect on the body. We are the very first of its kind here in offering this innovative floating acupuncture treatment session. The body relaxes and heals at its best when it can feel safe and calm. Therapy swings are used in the neurodiverse community to assist in self regulation when overwhelm takes over. We live in New York, and while it’s an amazing place to be it can get pretty hectic. Why not offer your nervous system a chance to calm down. Floating sessions can be booked with or without acupuncture. There are Float and Soak sessions available which include foot reflexology, and also Sound healing that can be coupled with guided meditation during Float sessions as well.
Hot Stone Massge
Hot Stone Massage is an excellent method of relaxing the body’s stress from vigorous workouts or being stuck in one spot for too long during the day at work. The volcanic stones are heated to a tolerable temperature and used during the service to soften and smooth out aches and pains and knots in the muscles. It provides a deeper and more relaxing massage experience because of the inclusion of heat.
Facial Acupuncture
We offer a series for facial rejuvenation sessions which include sessions of whole body therapy, facial gua sha with rose quartz stones, and facial cupping. We utilize instruments which provide ultrasonic vibrational therapy, radio frequency, electrical cupping for lymphatic drainage, cold therapy and LED light therapy.